Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Religious Protest

It was an interesting day on campus. Best part of my day was listening to students counter-attack the extreme evangelists who came to campus to preach. They come often but I hardly see this type of response from them. I did spot a few interesting things that I didn't have time to have on camera. One man walked right by the foot of a man preaching, spit at his feet, and said, "bigot," while walking away. Here are a few images.
 Later, two students came back to the proximity with a sign to counter the evangelists, or bigots as they called them, and also with free cupcakes for student members. 

The video is well worth watching. The first man literally cracked me up and stood pointing in my face saying that I was a whore and that he had more respect for a prostitute because at least she accepted money for turning tricks rather than giving it up.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Two Pieces

I got two new jewelry pieces tonight and I can't wait to get a chance to wear them. I got a few other options but they are just some new pieces to change up on my current wardrobe a little. Let me know what you think.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Frosty Lips

I have fallen head over heels in love with this lipstick. I have only been wearing lipstick for about 1 year now and truth be told, its because I am generally too tired to do eye make up. I use lipstick as a crutch on lazy days and from what I can see, it works like a charm. I will see a male friend and they instantly notice that I have on lipstick and I can't say that this happens when I put 30-minutes worth of effort into eye make up. I have found my true love.
This color is from MAC: Frost Odyssey

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


This week has gotten off to a great start. I have so many afternoon classes, it gives me a chance to do some blogging in the morning before my day even begins. On top of that, I am working out once again. Somewhere in the last two years, I gained about 5-10 lbs and while I understand that I am growing into a more mature woman, I still love my jeans from two years ago and I would love to be able to keep myself squeezed into them. 
I have been feeling so great that I have even begun working on paper assignments not due until April. I want them out of the way so that I can avoid stress later on. As well, I have a new writing class. The writing assignments are absolutely amazing and so I figure why not share my favorite from this week with all of you. Every blogger has a little writer in them deep down inside.

First, write down three images in your mind from the past 72 hours. Make sure they are insignificant, completely random, and a single snap shot. (For example, my professor had images of two gas stations and a Wendy's food chain). 
Second, take 2-3 sentences to describe each image in your mind, nothing too elaborate, just highlight some distinct details.
Third, find some type of connection between the three images, even if you have to stretch the relation a bit. (For example, the professor focused how in each image, there was a road splitting or turning in some way and she connected them as something leading her elsewhere in life.)

Now, dwell a little on the relationship that you drew between images and use this as a starting point for your writing. In my own experience, my images all connected in that they all gave me a feeling of safety, warm, and familiarity. I imagined images of my skyline that I drive by often, my father's truck in the driveway, and an attractive man from class putting gum under the desk. While the gum boy didn't really play into my correlation between images, I do distinctly remember the feeling I had that such a beautiful man could do something so nasty. More so, I took that and ran with it since I have been considering moving to a new city. I felt warmth and security with those familiar images and I feared having such a great dream of moving shocking me into reality that it may not be what it seems. A stretch, I know. However, that is the point. Take a leap with your writing. 

Monday, January 23, 2012

The Weeknd - Outside

This is one of my favorite songs right now. I know that my blog audience is very diverse and coming from many different countries, but I do urge you to give it a try. The lyrics are probably not so safe for work but who blasts music at work? If you do, then I need your job.

Monday Outfit

If you know anything about Texas weather, you know that winter might as well be an extended version of spring.

Monday Thrill

I have been struggling to find time between moving and school. I figure the least I can do is give a small update on the progress of the house. I love the natural light the most so I decided to keep lights out, go mid afternoon and show you a little of the feel. I am trying to have a video uploaded by the end of the afternoon of a small look around of the house if possible. Well at least the main gallery.
As for the rest of life, I am trying to make this last year as interesting as it can be. As a senior, most instructors leave my term papers content in my own hands. I am able to decide what I want to write on in certain boundaries. For my disease course I have decided to research Capgras Disorder. It's certainly worth looking up if you are not familiar.
I hope January is passing nicely for everyone. I will make an Instagram update this afternoon if I can find some spare time. Have a wonderful week.

One of the two parallel offices

Office view into main gallery


Main Living room lighting. My favorite fan in the entire house. Upper level lighting separate from primary source. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Two bills before Congress, known as the Protect IP Act (PIPA) in the Senate and the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the House, would censor the Web and impose harmful regulations on American business. Millions of Internet users and entrepreneurs already oppose SOPA and PIPA.
 The Senate will begin voting on January 24th. Please let them know how you feel. Sign this petition urging Congress to vote NO on PIPA and SOPA before it is too late. (-via Google:Take Action)

Sites at greatest risk are Vimeo, Facebook, Google, AOL, Yahoo, Blogger, Twitter, etc.

Friday, January 13, 2012

See Through Me

Now, let's see. How many rules did I break with this outfit? The white pants in the middle of January for one. Let me explain, Texas is showing no sight of snow in the near future or even at all for all that matter. As for the sandals, if it was 70 degrees in the middle of the afternoon, wouldn't you do the same? Just having a little fun with this outfit. 


Small update - I am beginning school in 5 days and I am working really hard to try and tie up the loose ends for potential graduation if all works the way I am hoping. Give me a day or two to return comments, emails, and more importantly update my blog. Thanks for checking back for updates. Daily views don't lie.
Much Love,

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Feeling Risqué

I said I would make a post when I figured out how I wanted to wear this. I hid half of the girdle to decrease some of the sex appeal. I think I succeeded on that part. Being that it is winder, a blazer will of course be worn. As for that belt, it's one suction away from killing my rib cage. I will have to continue searching for a wide belt to suit this outfit. 

Tuesday Morning

This is my last semester as a college student. Well, at least for a while. I, of course, will continue on to graduate school but that is when finances allow me to do so. If I have not already shared, my 2012 resolution is a total new wardrobe. As a new adult, 21 years as of October, I think that wardrobe says a lot and actually can serve to open and close many doors. This is Tuesdays outfit. I recently bought this top and I cannot seem to pull myself out of it. Sheer and comfortable, just how I like it.