Saturday, September 17, 2011

Lipstick Battles

I love my lips. I know that some women are said to have too large a set of lips, but I embrace mine. At the same time, they can be a little overwhelming so I have to be really careful with what I do to them. Females always talk to other females about what they think looks good and well... sometimes I really just want a guys perspective on things. I decided to ask five men of various demographics, "How do you feel about girls wearing lipstick?" Each of them gave these responses:

Vee (22): I feel indifferent about them, but like everything else, as long as the chick doesn't over-do it, I'm cool with that.
Jayson (25): I love lipstick over lipgloss any day. It gives girls a classic, sophisticated look. The brighter the better!
Nabeel (21): Personally, I don't mind the lipstick. If a girl can do anything to enhance her apperance for the better, then I prefer to be around that. So if that means sexy red lipstick with a short black dress, count me in.
Damiano (18): It really depends on the girl. I mean, some girls wear it in a seductive manner, or for seductive purposes... Whereas, others wear it in a classy manner. Personally, I prefer it, but it can backfire.
Gary (23): Don't think they need it and if they do wear it, it has to be a color that blends. Hate like red or bright lipstick.


  1. Great post :) I love your lips dear.

  2. it's so interesting to hear the guys perspective!! very cool :)

  3. Cool!So big lips you have!bravoo! :)

    Check my Blog
    and on-line store !! :)

  4. wooo!! what an amazing lips!! <3<3

    great blog, come to see mine? ^^


  5. I love wearing colour at the lips.
    My favourite colour is red, but I also wear other shades of pink, orange and berries;-)

  6. I will wear lipstick even if a man doesn't like them :p
    hehe but great post :)

  7. Very insightful. I love my thick lips too!! Wouldn't ever want to trade them in for anything smaller.

    Lots of love from Sydney,

    x Kel

    making a marque

  8. Such a cool post! I love to read the opinions of the guys! And by the way, your lips are beautiful:)

  9. Thanks for your great comment! And this post is just way to cool! I like your blog in general = following :)
    ps: I absolutely adore your lips haha

    x jeanne


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