Monday, April 30, 2012


Look at the cell phone next to you and turn it off.
Yes, turn it off. Really.
Okay, just put it face down and on silent.
Do not forget that life isn’t built of electrical impulses shoved into a metal frame.
Read these words.
I am just as real as you.
Touch the next person that you see,
The very next, even if you must call it an accident of human contact.
Single out that one moment and remember their warmth.
That is life.
The warmth and breath of exchanged between souls in physical form.
Speak to someone in the eye and not screen to screen.
Say all the things that society told you that you shouldn’t.
Tell someone you barely know that you miss them and you want to know who they will be to you in a year.
Never let them tell you that you should not think of the future.
Think, imagine, dream and most importantly never forget to breathe.
Step a little closer to them and exchange breaths.
This is the only way you can know that you are still alive some days.

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