Thursday, July 19, 2012

Summer Passings

This summer has been great so far. I am a good half way through, suffering through only one online course. It can be a little tough to update as I am trying to get things done over here. I figure a recap is a great way to at least keep my blog running in the mean time.
I got a new contributing writing opportunity with FN-Mag which I am excited about. I am working on updating my journalism portfolio so I really can't wait to share that with you. I haven't even shown personal friends. I love to see the progress that I am making. I am embracing the open doors that I find. I can't guarantee that a lot of things and people will be in my life in the next year or two, but I am doing my best to make sure that success is one of them. Enjoy! Feel free to catch me via email.


  1. congrats on your magazine contributer gig!!

  2. I really liked this blog! and you are so beautiful!


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